Mar 3, 2019
Generous – Giving is one way we connect with God – 1 Kings 17 and Mark 12
By: Rev Anton Folz
Series: (All)

In the following message by Pastor Anton, in this the fourth and final teaching in the series "generosity," He will be teaching from the lives of two widows written about in the scriptures. If you have access to a Bible, we invite you to turn to 1 Kings 17 as you prepare to listen to the following teaching. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged in your walk with the Lord.
- Mar 3, 2019Generous – Giving is one way we connect with God – 1 Kings 17 and Mark 12
Mar 3, 2019Generous – Giving is one way we connect with God – 1 Kings 17 and Mark 12By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: (All)
In what ways do you feel you best connect to God? Does giving and generosity make that list? Have you ever considered that giving to the Kingdom work is one of the ways that we connect to God Almighty?
In the following message by Pastor Anton, in this the fourth and final teaching in the series "generosity," He will be teaching from the lives of two widows written about in the scriptures. If you have access to a Bible, we invite you to turn to 1 Kings 17 as you prepare to listen to the following teaching. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged in your walk with the Lord. - Feb 24, 2019Generous – Stewardship Verses an Ownership Mentality – Genesis 39 and Luke 16:10-12
Feb 24, 2019Generous – Stewardship Verses an Ownership Mentality – Genesis 39 and Luke 16:10-12By: Rev Anton Folz
If you were asked what the difference was between a steward and an owner, what sorts of things would you list as distinctions between the two? According to the Word of God, the Lord often speaks to us in terms of us being "stewards" or "managers" of the time, talents and treasures that we often claim as our own. In the following message by Pastor Anton, he will be teaching on this biblical principle of stewardship. We would like to invite you to download the teaching notes and turn in your own Bible to Psalm 24 as you prepare to listen to this following message. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged and challenged in your walk with the Lord Jesus.
- Feb 17, 2019Generous – Giving is a heart issue – 1 Kings 10 & Matthew 6:19-21
Feb 17, 2019Generous – Giving is a heart issue – 1 Kings 10 & Matthew 6:19-21By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: (All)
What is the current condition and health of your heart? No, I am not asking if you eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, sleep an appropriate amount, and that you keep your stress level down. I am asking how healthy is your heart when it comes to "giving" versus "getting." In the following message by Pastor Anton, he will be comparing two different kinds of hearts. The heart of a very wealthy King who lived around 1000 B.C. and also the hearts of a New Testament group of believers that lived around 100 A.D. I invite you to download the teaching notes and open your Bible to 1st Kings chapter 10 as you prepare to listen to the following message. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged.
- Feb 10, 2019Generous – The Heart of Giving – Mattew 20:17-28
Feb 10, 2019Generous – The Heart of Giving – Mattew 20:17-28By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: (All)
When you hear the word "generous" who or what do you think about? Do you automatically connect it with Christ followers and the Church? Why or why not? At the very heart of what it means to be a Disciple of Jesus Christ is this idea of giving/generosity.
In the following message by Pastor Anton, he gives several New Testament examples of how and why giving matters. We would like to invite you to download the following sermon notes as you prepare to listen to this message. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged. - Jul 15, 2018The Person God Uses – Jeremiah 20:1-18
Jul 15, 2018The Person God Uses – Jeremiah 20:1-18By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: The Person God Uses
Discouragement is a part of life. The Prophet Jeremiah experienced more than his fair share of discouragement throughout His lifetime and ministry. Often discouragement comes when we work hard at something for a lengthy amount of time and yet only have poor results or outcome on the other side of all the effort and commitment. Although none of us are exempt from discouragement, what we do with discouragement can make all the difference. There are some practical things that we can learn from Jeremiah's life and the Word of God. We would like to invite you to turn in your own Bible to Jeremiah 20 as you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton.
- Jul 1, 2018The Person God Uses – Jeremiah 8-9:1 – Be Broken by What Breaks the Heart of God
Jul 1, 2018The Person God Uses – Jeremiah 8-9:1 – Be Broken by What Breaks the Heart of GodBy: Rev Anton FolzSeries: The Person God Uses
What breaks your heart? What injustice keeps you tossing and turning throughout the night? As we study the Word of God and specifically the book of Jeremiah, we find that there are many things that break the heart of God. If we know the truth from the Bible, God's Holy Word, about what breaks His heart, then we can match that against what breaks our heart. If there are things that break God's heart that don't even phase us, then we ought to look more closely at the scriptures to see if we have missed something. And if we know the truth of what breaks God's heart in our minds, then we ought to ask the Lord to create a passion and change within our heart to match His own. Please turn in your Bible to the book of Jeremiah as you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton Folz.
- Jun 24, 2018No More Excuses – Jeremiah 1 – The Person God Uses
Jun 24, 2018No More Excuses – Jeremiah 1 – The Person God UsesBy: Rev Anton FolzSeries: The Person God Uses
Have you ever asked yourself what type of man or women is the type of person that God would use for His Kingdom work? In the following series titled "The Person God Uses" Pastor Anton will be teaching on the life and ministry of the prophet Jeremiah. In Jeremiah chapter 1, we see the high calling that has been placed on this young man's life by the Lord God Almighty. And although Jeremiah has excuses why he might not be the best candidate for the difficult assignment of being a prophet to the nations, God gives him promise after promise to reassure him that he is the one God has chosen. We would like to invite you to turn in your Bible to Jeremiah 1 and download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following message. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged in your faith journey.
- Jun 17, 2018The Perfect Father, in Heaven – Luke 12:22-34
Jun 17, 2018The Perfect Father, in Heaven – Luke 12:22-34By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: (All)Have you ever struggled with your view of God Almighty as a "Father?" Many folks do! Often times it seems that we project the shortcomings and failures of our earthly Father onto a perfect Heavenly Father... and thus it distorts His true nature and character. In the following recorded message that was taught by Pastor Anton on Father's Day 2018, he examines the parts of God's nature revealed by Jesus in Luke 12:22-34 and other selected passages. When we have a fuller understanding of God as Father, then we need to understand what His responsibility are to us His adopted children, and furthermore what our role in the relationship ought to look like and how it ought to be lived out. We would like to invite you to download the teaching notes and turn in your own Bible to Luke 12 as you prepare to listen to the following message.
- Jun 10, 2018Made for Worship (Part 2) – Psalm 57:1-11
Jun 10, 2018Made for Worship (Part 2) – Psalm 57:1-11By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: (All)
What is your natural reaction to when people are attacking you? Most likely your natural human reaction when going through a difficult season is not to praise the Lord. Yet when we read Psalm 57, the author David is in the midst of an enemy pursuing him wishing to kill him! He is in a cave, hiding from the King of Israel, Saul, and the king's armies. Yet in the midst of the cave, David's heart and mind are focused on God and His goodness.
Ultimately God received the glory when we choose to focus on Him and trust in His plan and provision for our lives, especially when we are walking through a difficult season of life. We would like to invite you to turn in your own Bible to Psalm 57 as you listen to Pastor Anton share about the importance of praising God even when times are tough. - Jun 3, 2018Made to Worship – Luke 17:1-19
Jun 3, 2018Made to Worship – Luke 17:1-19By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: (All)
Have you ever been forcefully removed from your family or friends? Physically separated from their presence because of a terrible ailment or malady? For men, women or children living in the first century, this would have been a terrible reality for those who contract the awful disease known as leprosy. It was a strange and unknown sickness to the people, and thus they would separate that individual from the village and community, even their own spouse and children in hopes of keeping the ailment from spreading to others.
In Luke 17, Jesus is called upon by ten men with leprosy for "mercy." They were unclean men because of their ailment, and outside of a miracle, they would probably need to remain in a leprosy camp for the remainder of their lives... Separated from family and friends. We would like to invite you to download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton on Luke 17:1-19. We trust that you will be encouraged and challenged in your faith journey.