Apr 22, 2018 | by Rev Anton Folz | series: LIVE BY FAITH NOT BY SIGHT
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Sermon Notes

Psalm 23 is one of the most beloved and familiar poems in all of literature. It is often recited at a memorial service for a loved one to help encourage those who have come to grieve and pay their respects to the one who is deceased. Yet when the author David wrote these words they were based on real-life experiences he had encountered with almighty God. He is the kicker, the promises that can be drawn from the truth of this passage can only be claimed by one who had made the Lord God almighty their Lord and Shepherd. If you have surrendered your heart and life to Jesus Christ, then no matter what difficulty you are walking through, you can be assured that He is right beside you.
We would like to invite you to download the following teaching notes and follow along as you listen to the following message by Pastor Anton. We hope you will be encouraged in your walk with Him.
Tags: 1 Peter 2:25, 1 Peter 5:10, 2 Chronicles 20:12, Hebrews 13:5-6, Isaiah 53:6, John 10:3-4, Matthew 6:31-33, Psalm 23, Romans 8:28