Feb 24, 2019 | by Rev Anton Folz
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Sermon Notes

If you were asked what the difference was between a steward and an owner, what sorts of things would you list as distinctions between the two? According to the Word of God, the Lord often speaks to us in terms of us being “stewards” or “managers” of the time, talents and treasures that we often claim as our own. In the following message by Pastor Anton, he will be teaching on this biblical principle of stewardship. We would like to invite you to download the teaching notes and turn in your own Bible to Psalm 24 as you prepare to listen to this following message. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged and challenged in your walk with the Lord Jesus.
Tags: 1 Corinthians 4:2, 1 Timothy 6:17-19, 1 Timothy 6:7, Deuteronomy 8:17-18, Ecclesiastes 5:15, Genesis 2:10-12, Genesis 39:1-6, Genesis 41:40-42, Job 1:21, Luke 16:10-12, Philippians 4:12, Psalm 24