Aug 21, 2016
Too Good to be TRUE – His Grace Satisfies us Gal. 5:1-15
By: Rev Anton Folz
Series: Too Good to be TRUE
Have you ever not eaten all day in anticipation to going out-to-eat at amazing restaurant that evening? Didn't the dinner taste amazing? The reality is that the food would have still tasted good even if you had eaten during the day, but when you or I fast in preparation, it cause the flavors to be all the more intense. The same is true of our spiritual hunger. When we "snack" all throughout the week on entertainment, food, etc., then when we come to our time with the Lord we are already filled up on "stuff," and we discover we have less of a hunger for God and His presence in our lives. We would like to encourage you to turn in your Bible to Galatians 5, and download the teaching notes as you listen to the message by Pastor Anton about how His Grace Satisfies us. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged.
- Aug 21, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – His Grace Satisfies us Gal. 5:1-15
Aug 21, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – His Grace Satisfies us Gal. 5:1-15By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Too Good to be TRUEHave you ever not eaten all day in anticipation to going out-to-eat at amazing restaurant that evening? Didn't the dinner taste amazing? The reality is that the food would have still tasted good even if you had eaten during the day, but when you or I fast in preparation, it cause the flavors to be all the more intense. The same is true of our spiritual hunger. When we "snack" all throughout the week on entertainment, food, etc., then when we come to our time with the Lord we are already filled up on "stuff," and we discover we have less of a hunger for God and His presence in our lives. We would like to encourage you to turn in your Bible to Galatians 5, and download the teaching notes as you listen to the message by Pastor Anton about how His Grace Satisfies us. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged.
- Aug 14, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – Grace makes us His – Galatians 4:1-7
Aug 14, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – Grace makes us His – Galatians 4:1-7By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Too Good to be TRUEHow might you live your life differently if you knew that you had a sizeable inheritance coming your way down the road? Would you save less of your own earned money? Would you take larger risks with starting a new business? How might you think differently about your future? How often would you think about how you would spend it? Might you or I ultimately be preoccupied with the inheritance that is coming our way?In Galatians 4, the Apostle Paul speaks to the Church about the reality that because of the Grace of God they have an unimaginably awesome inheritance coming their way. And it is God's wealth, an inheritance that could never be compared too or fully valued. it is of limitless value! It cannot be lost through stock market declines, and no rust can ever erode its value. The problem is this, often as born-again believers we question and doubt whether or not we are truly heirs to this incredible wealth. We question whether God really loves us, and whether or not we are truly sons and daughters of the most high God. We would like to encourage you to turn in your Bible to Galatians 4, and download the teaching notes as Pastor Anton teaches through the passage. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged!
- Aug 7, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – Jump the Creek – Ephesians 2:1-10
Aug 7, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – Jump the Creek – Ephesians 2:1-10By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Too Good to be TRUEDid you ever play the game "Jump the Creek" growing up as a kid in the neighborhood or in your elementary school gym time? Jump the Creek, for anyone unfamiliar with what we are referring too is a simple game where each person participating must try and jump from one stop to another without falling or touching the gap or space between. Now the longest recorded jump ever made was by an American Athlete named Mike Powell back in 1991. He jumped 29 feet and 4 1/4 inches!!! That is an incredible jump! And as of today, it has neat to be beaten as the world's longest recorded jump. However if we apply this spiritually, the space between us and God is much further than 29 ft 4 1/4inches... comparatively it would be like having to jump a thousand feet. That distance is an unimaginable, unfathomable distance that could never ever be made by any human. That is where God steps into the picture with grace. What we can't do, Jesus has DONE. We encourage you to download the teaching notes, and follow along as Pastor Anton teaches on Ephesians 2:1-10, and the reality of what God has already done on our behalf. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged!
- Jul 31, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – Grace is for the Next Generation – Acts 20:6-12
Jul 31, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – Grace is for the Next Generation – Acts 20:6-12By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Too Good to be TRUEHave you ever had a "bad" church experience? Or maybe for some, have you every had a terrible church experience? I am guessing that many of us have had at least one bad church experience in our lifetime. But I am also going to assume that if you are reading this that you have never died as a result of attending church. This could not be said for the young man that Pastor Anton will be teaching about today. We encourage you to download the teaching notes, and open your Bible to Acts 20. We hope that you are encouraged by this teaching on Grace and how it is for the Next Generation.
- Jul 24, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – Grace is Greater – John 15:1-5
Jul 24, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – Grace is Greater – John 15:1-5By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Too Good to be TRUEHave you ever seen a dead vine grow grapes? I am talking a completely dead, no leaves left on it, crispy and dry vine growing healthy grapes. Healthy, full, tasty looking grapes that you would like to eat? I highly doubt it. And the reality is that I haven't seen that either.In John 15 Jesus shares with his disciples that He is the True vine, and that any branch that is attached to Him as the True vine will produce much healthy long-lasting fruit. However Jesus also mentions that any branches that have been separated from the vine will produce nothing.We are called to be branches that "remain in" or "abide" in the vine. We are to be cared for by the loving and wise gardener who prunes the branches so that we will produce healthy fruit.In this week's teaching, Pastor Anton shares about the two greatest hindrances that stand in our way of abiding in Jesus as the True Vine; Comparison and Condemnation. We would like to encourage you to download the teaching notes and follow along with the sermon recording. We hope that you will be encouraged to receive the gift of grace offered by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
- Jul 17, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – “Three Things You Need to Know About Grace” John 20:1-18
Jul 17, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – “Three Things You Need to Know About Grace” John 20:1-18By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Too Good to be TRUE
- Jul 10, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – “Grace, more than a ticket to Heaven” John 5:1-11
Jul 10, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – “Grace, more than a ticket to Heaven” John 5:1-11By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Too Good to be TRUEIn this teaching, Pastor Anton teaches on John 5:1-11. It is the account of Jesus healing the man near the pools of Bethesda who had been ill for 38 years. In this account, we see a component of God's Great Grace as it applies to the here and now. So many have made grace entirely and exclusively about heaven, and while it is in fact only by the grace of God given through the sacrificial work of One and only begotten Son Jesus on the Cross of Calvary there is so much more to grace! God's Grace not only changes our final destiny, it also has the power to change our identity. Hebrews 4:16 (NLT) explains that ought to "... come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most." If grace is only given to get us out of hell and into heaven, why the invitation in Hebrews 4? We encourage you to download the teaching notes, and turn in your Bible to John 5 as you listen. We trust that you will be encouraged in your journey with Christ Jesus.
- Jul 4, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – “He Carried Me” – Genesis 6-10 selected passages
Jul 4, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – “He Carried Me” – Genesis 6-10 selected passagesBy: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Too Good to be TRUEHave you ever fallen asleep somewhere, and then woken up in another? Some of us can recall this experience when we were children. Falling asleep on the living room couch, or in the family car, only to wake up the next morning in our own bed. How did this happen? Well, most likely a loving parent or family member carried you into your own room while you were asleep. In this first message in the teaching series “Too Good to be TRUE,” Pastor Anton teaches on the passage ofHebrews 4:16 (NLT) “So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”The true message of Grace seems to be “too good to be true,” and yet the message of the Grace of God is TRUE. We encourage you to download the teaching notes, and follow along as Pastor Anton teaches about God’s amazing Grace.