Oct 16, 2016
Counter Culture – The Call to be Set Apart – Romans 12:1-8
By: Rev Anton Folz
Series: Counter Culture
Have you ever thought about your purpose in life? Why you are here, and what you should/will accomplish with the time that you have?
In the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul's letter to the Christians in Rome, there is a dramatic shift at the beginning of chapter 12 from the previous 11 chapters. Paul had been teaching the Christians what they "ought to know" when it comes to the Gospel and the Word of God. However in chapter 12, the shift is made, and he begins teaching the believers how they ought to live. Not in the sense of legalism, but in light of God's grace and mercy, how Christians ought to live lives of service for The King of the universe. We would like to encourage you to download the teaching notes, and open your Bible to Romans 12, as you listen to this week's message by Pastor Anton. We trust that you will be encouraged.
- Oct 16, 2016Counter Culture – The Call to be Set Apart – Romans 12:1-8
Oct 16, 2016Counter Culture – The Call to be Set Apart – Romans 12:1-8By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Counter CultureHave you ever thought about your purpose in life? Why you are here, and what you should/will accomplish with the time that you have?In the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul's letter to the Christians in Rome, there is a dramatic shift at the beginning of chapter 12 from the previous 11 chapters. Paul had been teaching the Christians what they "ought to know" when it comes to the Gospel and the Word of God. However in chapter 12, the shift is made, and he begins teaching the believers how they ought to live. Not in the sense of legalism, but in light of God's grace and mercy, how Christians ought to live lives of service for The King of the universe. We would like to encourage you to download the teaching notes, and open your Bible to Romans 12, as you listen to this week's message by Pastor Anton. We trust that you will be encouraged.
- Oct 2, 2016Counter Culture – Ahab Gets His Just Desserts – 1 Kings 21:1-16; 22:29-38 and 2 Kings 9:30-37
Oct 2, 2016Counter Culture – Ahab Gets His Just Desserts – 1 Kings 21:1-16; 22:29-38 and 2 Kings 9:30-37By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Counter CultureWhen was the last time that you had an excellent dessert? Most of us were taught to clean our plate in order for us to be able to have our dessert as kids. Dessert was a reward for the "good eating" habits that we performed. In the story of Elijah, we see how the wicked King Ahab and Jezebel seem to do evil over and over again without having any consequence. In this final message in the 6-part series titled "Counter Culture" Pastor Anton teaches on what happened to Ahab and his vile wife Jezebel. We would like to encourage you to turn in your own Bible to 1 Kings 21 and download the teaching notes as you follow along. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged.
- Sep 25, 2016Counter Culture – Burning the Plow – 1 Kings 19:9-21
Sep 25, 2016Counter Culture – Burning the Plow – 1 Kings 19:9-21By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Counter CultureAll alone with the Lord. Hiding in a cave on Mt. Sinai is where we last found the Prophet Elijah. He had fled from Jezreel for his life for fear of what wicked king Ahab and his vile wife Jezebel might do. Wishing for the Lord to take his life, it is fairly obvious from the Word of God that Elijah was not only feeling like a failure, but that he was depressed.Yet as we read in 1 Kings 19, the Lord is not done with Elijah, and He gives Elijah an opportunity to experience His power and presence with him on that mountain top. He gives him a three-fold command to anoint three men, two as kings, and Elisha to be his understudy. We would like to encourage you to turn in your bible to 1 Kings 19 and follow along as Pastor Anton teaches on what God's calling is going to require for faithful servants. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged.
- Sep 18, 2016Counter Culture – Prophet on the Run – 1 Kings 18:41-19:9
Sep 18, 2016Counter Culture – Prophet on the Run – 1 Kings 18:41-19:9By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Counter CultureHave you ever experienced a "mountain top moment" in your life? such an event could be described as a joyful moment of victory after a long-fought battle or sporting event. It could also be the emotion and sense of accomplishment following the completion of a difficult test, or just having been given a raise at work. As several examples have been mentioned, no doubt some of your own "mountain top experiences" have been flooding into your memory banks.In 1 Kings 18, the prophet Elijah experiences not one, but two mountain top experiences back to back. The showdown on top of Mt Carmel between the 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah and Elijah and the one true God ends in an awesome display of God's absolute power and authority. And literally hours later, God sends the much needed rain across the lands where there had been drought for three straight years. We can be sure that Elijah is thrilled! Yet what happens next might come as a surprise, I believe it was for Elijah. His expectations were not yet, wicked Ahab and his queen Jezebel did not repent. Instead Jezebel orders that Elijah be killed! Fear sweeps in like the winds of the rain, and Elijah suddenly flees out of fear for his life. What would you have done? What is your default reaction of opposition or even unmet expectations? We would like to encourage you to download the teaching notes, and follow along in your own Bible at 1 Kings 18 & 19 as Pastor Anton teaches. We hope and trust that you will be challenged and encouraged.
- Sep 11, 2016Counter Culture – “Baal is Busted” 1 Kings 18:17-40
Sep 11, 2016Counter Culture – “Baal is Busted” 1 Kings 18:17-40By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Counter CultureWould you rather have the entire world behind you, and be warring against the true God of the universe. Or would you rather have the entire world against you and have God almighty on your side (or at least you be on His side)?The reason why we must ask ourselves that question at the start of this teaching is because in many ways, that must have been what Elijah the prophet was feeling in 1 Kings 18. He is called by the Lord to confront wicked King Ahab (King over the northern tribes of Israel), and lay out a challenge before the king. Call for all of Israel, and the entire company of 850 prophets of the false gods Baal and Asherah and let us have a showdown at Mount Carmel to see who is the true God.We encourage you to download the teaching notes, and turn in your own Bible to 1 Kings 18 as you listen to this week's sermon by Pastor Anton Folz. We trust that you will be encouraged.
- Sep 4, 2016Counter Culture – Elijah at Empty Jar Graduate School – 1 Kings 17:1-24
Sep 4, 2016Counter Culture – Elijah at Empty Jar Graduate School – 1 Kings 17:1-24By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Counter CultureWhat would you be willing to lay down in order to place the Lord first? In a culture that seems to be entirely headed in one direction, would you be willing to go against the flow in order to serve God?Elijah was called by the Lord to do some very bold and dangerous things. And in the midst of following the Lord, he became public enemy number one. Yet while all the nations seemed to be against him, Elijah was on the side of One True God. in 1 Kings 17, we read of some miraculous and counter cultural ways in which God used to provide for Elijah. We would like to encourage you to turn in your Bible to Kings 17, and download the teaching notes as Pastor Anton teaches on this part of the life of Elijah. We trust that you will be encouraged.
- Aug 28, 2016Counter Culture – Elijah at Dry Brook University – 1 Kings 17:1-7
Aug 28, 2016Counter Culture – Elijah at Dry Brook University – 1 Kings 17:1-7By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Counter CultureThe northern tribes of Israel underwent the rule and leadership of many wicked kings from the time of their beginnings with Jeroboam till the time of their destruction in the hands of the Assyrians. But none were known to be as evil and downright vile as King Ahab. Under he and his wife Jezebel, the people of the northern tribes did what was detestable in the sight of the Lord, far greater sins did they commit than any who were before them. It was a spiritual climate that seemed to accept the worship of anything and anyone other than the One True God of Israel. And it was in that context that the Prophet Elijah is sent by the Lord to speak His truth to the people. We would like to encourage you to turn in your own Bible to 1 Kings, as well as download the teaching notes and follow along as Pastor Anton teaches valuable life lessons that can be learned about standing up for the truth in the midst of Pagan culture. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged.