Oct 15, 2017
Conversations with God – Colossians 4:2-6
By: Rev Anton Folz
Series: (All)

- Oct 15, 2017Conversations with God – Colossians 4:2-6
Oct 15, 2017Conversations with God – Colossians 4:2-6By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: (All)
When we think of prayer, we often view it as something to use in time of emergency. Such as a fire extinguisher behind glass with the words "break in case of emergency" written on it. The truth from the Word of God is that the Lord desires for us to be in constant and consistent communication with Him. In fact, within the life of a born-again believer, it is expected. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the church in Colossae, gives us New Testament believers some excellent wisdom on how we ought to pray. We would like to invite you to download the teaching notes, and open your Bible to Colossians 4:2-6 as Pastor Anton teaches on this essential subject. Prayer has a place in our everyday life. Learn more about unlocking the power behind the greatest gift God has blessed us with outside of salvation.
- Oct 14, 2017Strength for Kingdom Service – Joshua 24 – Encouragement for the Journey of Faith
Oct 14, 2017Strength for Kingdom Service – Joshua 24 – Encouragement for the Journey of FaithBy: Rev Anton Folz
Toward the end of his life, Joshua asked the people of God an interesting question... "But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15. Why would the leader of God's chosen people Israel give them three options? And more importantly, where is option #4, serve no one and nothing??? Joshua knew that all of humanity was created to serve and worship someone or something. The people needed to choose. You and I need to choose. And if we are going to worship and serve God alone, then we must destroy and throw away any gods/idols that exist. We would like to encourage you to turn in your Bible to Joshua 24 and to download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton.
- Oct 1, 2017Moving Forward in Faith – Joshua 10 – Encouragement for the Journey of Faith
Oct 1, 2017Moving Forward in Faith – Joshua 10 – Encouragement for the Journey of FaithBy: Rev Anton Folz
What was the longest day you can remember? For parents, it might have been the day of labor leading up to the birth of their first child. For an employee, it may have been the first day on the job when you were very unfamiliar with the setting and what was expected of you. For the student, the day leading up to a major final exam may have felt as though it lasts for an eternity. Yet in all of these circumstances, the day lasted 24 hours. Like the day prior and the day to follow… 24 hours.
Yet in the story of Joshua found in chapter 10 we find that there was a miraculous “lengthening of a day” in order for Joshua and the Israelite army to prevail over their enemies. We would like to encourage you to turn in your own Bible to Joshua 10 and download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged in your faith journey. - Sep 24, 2017Be On Guard – Joshua 9 – Encouragement for the Journey of Faith
Sep 24, 2017Be On Guard – Joshua 9 – Encouragement for the Journey of FaithBy: Rev Anton Folz
Have you ever been caught off guard? If we are honest, we have all been a time or two. Often we are caught off guard when we are confident with a decision or situation. When the situation seems rather low-key and simple... yet for the follower of Christ, we are called to seek the Lord for wisdom in all matters. Unfortunately, we fall into the trapping of thinking that we know God's will, or that His grace will simply cover whatever decision we make that is outside of the will of God. Such presuming upon God's grace is sinful, and can lead to deep far reaching consequences. In Joshua 9, Joshua and the leaders of Israel made a peace treaty with the Hivites under the false pretense that they were from a foreign distant land. We would like to invite you to download the teaching notes, and turn in your Bible to Joshua 9. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged in your faith Journey.
- Sep 17, 2017Encouragement for the Journey of Faith – Joshua 8 – Regaining Lost Ground
Sep 17, 2017Encouragement for the Journey of Faith – Joshua 8 – Regaining Lost GroundBy: Rev Anton Folz
Making a comeback is difficult to do. Whether you are a student who has procrastinated on a large term project, a basketball team that has fallen way behind in points, or a couple that spends too much money, getting caught up is tough to do. In Joshua 8, Joshua and the people of Israel are told to go and attack the city of Ai, only this time, they are following God's plan and will. They return to the place where they were previously defeated and follow the instructions that God had given to Joshua. They regain lost ground and recommit themselves to the Lord at Shechem. We would like to invite you to turn to Joshua 8 and also download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged in your own journey of faith.
- Sep 10, 2017Encouragement for the Journey of Faith – Joshua 7 – The Agony of Defeat
Sep 10, 2017Encouragement for the Journey of Faith – Joshua 7 – The Agony of DefeatBy: Rev Anton Folz
Have you ever experienced the agony of defeat? A major defeat often leaves us feeling depressed and crushed in spirit. For the people of Israel, they experienced a devastating defeat against a relatively small enemy at the city of Ai in Joshua 7. Just prior they had experienced the hand of God with a tremendous and miraculous victory against a heavily fortified city of Jericho… but now a huge setback. We would like to invite you to download the teaching notes and turn in your Bible to Joshua 7 as you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith, especially when you are feeling defeated after a loss.
- Sep 3, 2017Encouragement for the Journey of Faith – Joshua 6 – Victory at Jericho
Sep 3, 2017Encouragement for the Journey of Faith – Joshua 6 – Victory at JerichoBy: Rev Anton Folz
One of the most well-known stories in all of the Bible is the story of the Battle of Jericho. Joshua 6 tells us what happened when the people of God, the Israelites, followed the peculiar commands of the Lord to march around the heavily fortified city of Jericho. God did a miracle and the walls collapsed! The people of God were able to march right into the city and capture it. Yet there is so much deeper spiritual truth that can be gained from this story. Hebrews 11:30 tells us that "it was by faith that the walls of Jericho collapsed." Do you and I have that level of faith? We would like to encourage you to turn to Joshua 6 and download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton. We trust that you will be encouraged in your walk with Him.
- Aug 27, 2017Encouragement for the Journey of Faith – Joshua 5 – Coming to Your Gilgal
Aug 27, 2017Encouragement for the Journey of Faith – Joshua 5 – Coming to Your GilgalBy: Rev Anton Folz
What does it mean to be different? In your own words, what does it look like to be set apart by the Lord from among the world? In Joshua 5, Joshua is given the order to mark each of the men of Israel before moving a step further into possessing the Promised Land. The People of God are called to be set apart and holy unto the Lord. This act of circumcision was an outward sign of an inward obedience. As you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton, we would like to invite you to turn in your Bible to Joshua 5, and also download the teaching notes. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged in your faith journey with the Lord.
- Aug 20, 2017Encouragement for the Journey of Faith – Joshua 4 – Building a Monumental Life
Aug 20, 2017Encouragement for the Journey of Faith – Joshua 4 – Building a Monumental LifeBy: Rev Anton Folz
Joshua and the Israelite people have crossed the Jordan River by the miraculous hand of God almighty… But before they move forward and take possession of Jericho and the Promised Land, the Lord gives them some specific instructions. Joshua must choose 12 men, one from each of the 12 Tribes of Israel, to locate and carry 12 stones from the dry riverbed of the Jordan, and carry them to the place where the people will setup camp East of Jericho. They are called to build a “memorial” from these stones. The Memorial will serve as a reminder to the people and future generations of what God had done. For us today, building a memorial is a foreign concept. However, the Word of God teaches us that we are to build a monumental life that points others to Him. Testifying to the Word He has done. We would like to invite you to turn to Joshua 4, download the teaching notes, and to watch the short video of the Jordan River at harvest season prior to listening to the following message by Pastor Anton. We trust that you will be encouraged and challenged in your journey of faith with Him.
- Aug 13, 2017Encouragement for the Journey of Faith – Joshua 3 – Crossing the Jordan
Aug 13, 2017Encouragement for the Journey of Faith – Joshua 3 – Crossing the JordanBy: Rev Anton Folz
Have you ever received amazing news, only to discover that there was something standing into between you and your ability to achieve or receive that which you were so excited about? For the people of God that must have been a little bit of how it felt like. At the end of Joshua 2, we discover that Joshua, the leader of the Israelites, has just received very exciting news regarding the morale among their enemies. The people were terrified of the Israelite army and the God that they worshipped. What better time to move in and attack for Joshua and the people of Israel?!?! However, there was one major problem. The Jordan River stood between the people of Israel and the Promised Land, and it just so happened to be harvest season. At harvest season the water overflows in normal banks and with the natural trees and bushes lining the Jordan River on either side, it becomes very difficult to cross. We invite you to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton. We hope that you will be encouraged and challenged in your faith journey.