May 27, 2018
Memorial Day Weekend – Romans 5:6-11 Remembering the Greatest Sacrifice of All
By: Rev Anton Folz
Series: (All)

We invite you to download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton Folz.
- May 27, 2018Memorial Day Weekend – Romans 5:6-11 Remembering the Greatest Sacrifice of All
May 27, 2018Memorial Day Weekend – Romans 5:6-11 Remembering the Greatest Sacrifice of AllBy: Rev Anton FolzSeries: (All)
We as humans all have an impossible problem because of what the Bible explains to us as sin. We have "utterly helpless" when it comes to resolving this impossible solution on our own. Yet God offers us an incredible solution because of His incredible grace and kindness. Although we do not deserve it, God sent His one and only begotten Son Jesus to do for us what we could never do for ourselves. As a result of this undeserved kindness, we have the opportunity to gain so much! Not only eternity but a right relationship with God Almighty through the death and resurrection of Jesus! Surely this is a great reason to be thankful! Romans 5:11 (NLT) says, "So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God."
We invite you to download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton Folz. - May 20, 2018Pentecost Sunday – May 20, 2018 – Psalm 51
May 20, 2018Pentecost Sunday – May 20, 2018 – Psalm 51By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: (All)
Pentecost Sunday is not only a wonderful time to recall what the Holy Spirit did in and through the Believers that were gathered in the upper room after Jesus had ascended, but it is also a time to recognize the Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit currently. We invite you to listen to what the Holy Spirit might be speaking to you about as you listen to this message based on Psalm 51. God desires to create in you a new heart, to renew a loyal spirit within you, restore the joy of His salvation, and make you willing to obey Him. But do you want that in your own heart and life? How are you seeking the Holy Spirit and yielding your own plan and will for your life to His own? We invite you to download the teaching notes and listen to the following message. We hope and trust you will be encouraged.
- May 13, 2018Mother’s Day 2018 – Don’t Neglect Your Mother’s Instruction
May 13, 2018Mother’s Day 2018 – Don’t Neglect Your Mother’s InstructionBy: Rev Anton FolzSeries: (All)
The Great King Solomon was known to the wisest man alive, and when his mother would enter the room, he would stoop to show her honor and respect (2 Kings 2:19). Solomon is the author of the Proverbs and in the first chapter, he lays down some excellent solid truth about how parents and children ought to interact.
We invite you to turn in your Bible to Proverbs and download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged. - May 6, 2018Live by Faith and NOT by Sight – Philippians 2:1-13 – To Gain a Christ-like Attitude
May 6, 2018Live by Faith and NOT by Sight – Philippians 2:1-13 – To Gain a Christ-like AttitudeBy: Rev Anton FolzSeries: LIVE BY FAITH NOT BY SIGHT
"God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love—like Christ in everything." Ephesians. 4:15 (MSG).
Have you ever been told to "grow up" before? It isn't often taken very well. We do not like being told that we are still lacking in some ways. In the following message by Pastor Anton, he will be sharing from Philippians 2. We would like to invite you to turn in your own Bible and download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following message about gaining a mature attitude that is like that of Christ Jesus. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged and challenged in your faith journey. - Apr 29, 2018Live By Faith NOT by Sight – April 29 – Hebrews 7:1-4 Giving to the One who is Worthy
Apr 29, 2018Live By Faith NOT by Sight – April 29 – Hebrews 7:1-4 Giving to the One who is WorthyBy: Rev Anton FolzSeries: LIVE BY FAITH NOT BY SIGHT
What are some of the things and people whom you view as great? For folks who have visited the Great Lakes in North America or the Great Wall in China, those are simply two examples of things that people consider great, and thus they carry that name. Alexander the Great is one person who many have considered to be great, and he too carries that title of "Great". But what about you? What do you consider as "great"? In the book of Hebrews, Abraham encountered the greatness of Melchizedek and gave him a tenth of everything that he had obtained in the battle he had recently won. We would like for you to consider how we have little difficulty giving to someone or something that we believe to be great, yet when it comes to giving towards the Kingdom of God we are often resistant or at least hesitant. That being said, we invite you to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton Folz based on Hebrews 7. We hope and trust that you will be challenged and encouraged.
- Apr 22, 2018LIVE BY FAITH Not by Sight – Psalm 23 – April 22, 2018
Apr 22, 2018LIVE BY FAITH Not by Sight – Psalm 23 – April 22, 2018By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: LIVE BY FAITH NOT BY SIGHT
Psalm 23 is one of the most beloved and familiar poems in all of literature. It is often recited at a memorial service for a loved one to help encourage those who have come to grieve and pay their respects to the one who is deceased. Yet when the author David wrote these words they were based on real-life experiences he had encountered with almighty God. He is the kicker, the promises that can be drawn from the truth of this passage can only be claimed by one who had made the Lord God almighty their Lord and Shepherd. If you have surrendered your heart and life to Jesus Christ, then no matter what difficulty you are walking through, you can be assured that He is right beside you.
We would like to invite you to download the following teaching notes and follow along as you listen to the following message by Pastor Anton. We hope you will be encouraged in your walk with Him. - Apr 15, 2018LIVE BY FAITH Not by Sight – Hearing from God – April 15, 2018
Apr 15, 2018LIVE BY FAITH Not by Sight – Hearing from God – April 15, 2018By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: LIVE BY FAITH NOT BY SIGHT
What is one thing in your past that if you had the ability to go back and undo or change it you would? What are some of the greatest pains and hurts that you have had to endure over the course of your lifetime? What dream has the Lord laid on your heart that you haven't seen fulfilled yet?
Did you know that it is possible to hear from God through your past, pain, and potential? We would like to invite you to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton about hearing from God. We encourage you to download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to this message. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged in your journey with the Lord. - Apr 8, 2018LIVE BY FAITH Not by Sight – You’ve Got what it takes – Judges 6
Apr 8, 2018LIVE BY FAITH Not by Sight – You’ve Got what it takes – Judges 6By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: LIVE BY FAITH NOT BY SIGHT
Did you play an instrument in Middle School or High School band? Were you any good? Did you keep playing that instrument in college? In order to play a brass instrument well, it requires several things to be working together at the same time. First of all, it requires the breath of a musician blowing into the instrument... Secondly it requires the musician forming the notes by having his or her hands on the instrument... And Thirdly it requires a musician knowing what they are doing and having the skill to play notes in the correct order and at the right time to play the song that is enjoyed by listeners. We would like to invite you to download the teaching notes and open your Bible to Judges 6 as you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton.
- Mar 25, 2018In Christ Alone – Palm Sunday – Luke 19:28-20:8
Mar 25, 2018In Christ Alone – Palm Sunday – Luke 19:28-20:8By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: In Christ Alone
Have you ever gotten caught off guard by something in your blind spot? As Jesus entered into Jerusalem in what is known as "His Triumphal Entry" we see there is tremendous spiritual blindness by both the leaders and the general assembly gathered there for Passover. They were spiritually blind to what Jesus had come to accomplish, and the significance of His final actions. In the following message by Pastor Anton, he will be sharing some insights that can be gained from examining the emotions and actions of Jesus in His final days before dying on the cross of Calvery. We would like to invite you to download the teaching notes and follow along as you listen to the following message.
- Mar 18, 2018In Christ Alone – Do all the good you can, as long as ever you can – Matthew 26
Mar 18, 2018In Christ Alone – Do all the good you can, as long as ever you can – Matthew 26By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: In Christ Alone
What is the most valuable item you own? What object would you be willing to run into a burning house to save? *(after everyone else is safe and pets have been moved to safety) Is it your phone, tv, computer, or something entirely different? Now let me ask something more difficult, would you be willing to give or use up entirely that item or object to Jesus?
In Matthew 26, the Gospel writer accurately records an event prior to Jesus' death by crucifixion on the cross. It is in the anointing of Jesus by Mary in the town of Bethany. In the following message by Pastor Anton, he will be sharing truths that can be learned from the example of Mary giving her very best of Jesus her Savior. We invite you to download the teaching notes and follow along as you listen to the following message. We hope and trust that you will be challenged and encouraged.