- Dec 20, 2015The Journey “LOVE” – Week 4 – Luke 23:33-49
Dec 20, 2015The Journey “LOVE” – Week 4 – Luke 23:33-49By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Advent 2015
We must ask the question, “was this one called 'Jesus' really the Son of God?”
The answer to that question cannot be taken casually. It demands a personal response. For if He is the Son of God, then He is the Messiah, the Savior, and the LORD. And If He is Savior, then we must personally receive Him by faith and fall at His feet in worship Him as the LORD of our life. If He is not, then we must seek another, for our eternal destiny hangs on our search and our decision. ~ Rev D. SeitzIn this week's teaching, we will be listening to the testimony of Kristen Powers, her personal Journey in finding faith in Jesus. We will also be looking throughout scripture to see what people have said, and why they said it about Jesus. Lastly we will be looking at whom we should be asking when it comes to discovering the True identity of Jesus. Our desire is that this teaching will encourage your heart, and cause you to take a deeper look at this one named Jesus. If you have not answered the question, we hope that you will in this season of your life. - Dec 13, 2015The Journey “Hope” – Week 3 – Luke 2:1-20
Dec 13, 2015The Journey “Hope” – Week 3 – Luke 2:1-20By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Advent 2015Have you ever felt like a social outcast? Have you ever felt overlooked because the work that you did in school or in your vocation was not all that glamorous? Shepherds in the time of Christ Jesus would have been able to relate. in Fact, had there been the show "Dirtiest Jobs" at the time, they may have done a special just on the role and duty of a shepherd! Shepherds were considered to be ceremonially unclean due to working with the animals that they cared for. They were cut off from the presence of God in regards to their limited access to the Temple. Yet when Jesus was born, something marvelous happened! Rather than a parade welcoming in the birth of Jesus, God sent His Angels to tell the shepherds watching over their folks of the Great News! This week in the teaching series The Journey, we learn of a group of shepherds who were given the incredible privilege and honor of meeting the Christ Child moments after He was born. Our desire and prayer is that you will be encouraged by this teaching. There is Hope for all, and He is Jesus!
- Dec 6, 2015The Journey “YES” – Week 2 – Luke 1:26-38
Dec 6, 2015The Journey “YES” – Week 2 – Luke 1:26-38By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Advent 2015
Have you ever considered what it must have been like for Mary to receive the message from the Angel Gabriel that she would be the earthly mother of The Messiah? Betrothed to a man named Joseph, yet they had not confirmed the marriage and were not living together... this would be an impossibility! How could it be?
Consider the thoughts that must have gone through the mind of that young girl when she was told she was "highly favored" by the Angel of the Lord, and that He would be with her? It has been said through the ages that "Mary was blessed" by the Lord, and we would agree... yet when we are blessed by God, we are called to be a blessing to others. "Blessed to be a blessing." As you study the life and birth of Jesus, don't overlook the earthly mother Mary and the sacrifices she made and the sorrows that she faced in order to follow the will of God for her. She said "Yes" to the Lord even in the midst of great struggle and hardship, possibly even death. What might the Lord be asking you to do for Him? Have you said "Yes?" Follow along with the study notes, and listen to the teaching, we trust that you will be encouraged. - Nov 29, 2015The Journey “Go” – Week 1 – Matthew 2:1-12
Nov 29, 2015The Journey “Go” – Week 1 – Matthew 2:1-12By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Advent 2015
What's the furthest you have ever traveled? Was it by plane? car? train? horseback? foot? In Matthew 2:1-12 we hear of some interesting individuals called the Magi who come and visit Jesus Christ as a child. Although little is known about the exact details of these visitors from the East, we do know that Matthew was inspired by the Holy Spirit for record their coming, they way they postured themselves when they finally arrived at the home of Mary, Joseph, and young Jesus, and that they brought some extravagant gifts to give this "king of the Jews." As you consider your own journey while listening, consider the expectancy and attitude of the Magi coming to visit Jesus. Consider also the gifts that were given, and their meaning of who He was, and what He would do. We trust that you will be inspired and encouraged.
- Nov 22, 2015The Hunger Games – Thanksgiving 2015 – Matthew 5:1-12
Nov 22, 2015The Hunger Games – Thanksgiving 2015 – Matthew 5:1-12By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Thanksgiving
Hunger. Do we even know what it means to hunger on a daily basis? Some undoubtedly understand that terrible feeling and sensation all too well. However, for most of us, we do not have a very real sense of the term. Sure, we get hungry between a breakfast burrito and a sandwich for lunch, but the reality is that we don't get it. what's worse, Jesus teaches His followers that they should "Hunger and Thirst" for Rigorousness! What on earth does that look like? In this message focused on Matthew 5:1-12, Pastor Anton addresses the issue and at times fascination the American culture has with hungering and fighting for justice, based in part off of the book and movie series, "The Hunger Games." We hope and trust that you will be encouraged by this teaching. Thanks for learning with us! "And may the odds be ever in your favor."
- Nov 15, 2015Living Lives of Thanksgiving – Ephesians 5:1-20
Nov 15, 2015Living Lives of Thanksgiving – Ephesians 5:1-20By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is just a week away, and with it often comes the question; "How was your Thanksgiving?" In this teaching, Pastor Anton expounds upon the truths that Paul was sharing with the early Church in Ephesus. They were called to live as "Children of the Light" and as such, their actions and attitude should be different than of those around them who were not followers of Jesus Christ. One of the chief marks of a transformed life according to Paul is that of Thankfulness. Download the study notes, and follow along with this teaching. We trust that you will be encouraged in your walk with the Lord. May we begin to ask it of ourselves, "How IS my Thanksgiving?" all year long.
- Nov 8, 2015Don’t Waste Your Life – Week 4 – “Hearing the voice of the Lord” 1 Samuel 3
Nov 8, 2015Don’t Waste Your Life – Week 4 – “Hearing the voice of the Lord” 1 Samuel 3By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Don't Waste Your Life
Listen to God, and do what He says... seems simply enough... right? Yet for so many of us, we wonder throughout life, desirous of knowing the voice of the Lord and never finding it. Or for a majority of us, we settle for God's revelation to the previous generation rather than seeking the revelation that He has for us today. It this teaching, Pastor Anton unpacks the calling of Samuel as a young boy found in 1 Samuel 3. Download the teaching notes and follow along. Our prayer is that you will be encouraged in your walk with the Lord.
- Nov 1, 2015Don’t Waste Your Life – Week 3 – “Making Wise Decisions ~ 10 Questions”
Nov 1, 2015Don’t Waste Your Life – Week 3 – “Making Wise Decisions ~ 10 Questions”By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Don't Waste Your Life
In this week's teaching within the series "Don't Waste Your Life," Pastor Anton addresses some questions believers' should ask themselves when facing a difficult decision, or one that is a "grey area" in which the Bible does not speak specifically to. There are at least ten questions that one can ask themselves based on the Word of God that will help enable them to make a biblically informed choice. We all face tough choices. Follow along with the teaching and fill-in the teaching notes file that is included with this week's message. We trust that you will be encouraged and challenged by this teaching.
- Oct 25, 2015Don’t Waste Your Life – Week 2 – The Great American Lie
Oct 25, 2015Don’t Waste Your Life – Week 2 – The Great American LieBy: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Don't Waste Your Life
Have you even been really good at something that you just didn't enjoy? Maybe you are stuck doing that task or assignment everyday for work... Or maybe you really enjoy an activity that you are not skilled at, and as a result, you are not making a major impact with you time and energy. This week's teaching focuses on the truth that every single person has been created on purpose to make a difference. No person is an accident, and no one has been created to take up space. The Bible teaches us that he have all been generally blessed by God, but for those who are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ based on their confession of sin, and belief in Him, they have been given at least one Spiritual Gift. The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is the one who gives these Spiritual Gifts to believers, and they are given with intention. You have been created on purpose, for a purpose, to fulfill a purpose, and you have been given at least one Spiritual Gift to equip you for that calling. We hope and trust that you will enjoy this teaching. There is also a PDF document with a note taking guide at your convince.
- Oct 18, 2015Don’t Waste Your Life – Week 1 – Matthew 25:14-30
Oct 18, 2015Don’t Waste Your Life – Week 1 – Matthew 25:14-30By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Don't Waste Your Life
Have you ever regretted a purchase or a decision that you have made? Maybe you are currently driving that regret to work everyday, or watching others thrive at a business venture that you had an opportunity to make but didn't... Regret eats away at everyone of us. Some of us have regrets about the things that we have done, and others have regrets about what they should have done and did not. The reality is that most of us struggle with both types of regret.
In the following teaching, Pastor Anton expounds upon the Matthew 25:14-30 passage, taking a closer look at the third servant who did nothing with the blessing that he had received from the master. The text literally says that "he dug a hole and buried it." Every one of us have been given blessings from God, and yet so many have regretted not doing more with those blessings. We hope that you enjoy this first teaching in the series, "Don't Waste Your Life."