- Jul 24, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – Grace is Greater – John 15:1-5
Jul 24, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – Grace is Greater – John 15:1-5By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Too Good to be TRUE
Have you ever seen a dead vine grow grapes? I am talking a completely dead, no leaves left on it, crispy and dry vine growing healthy grapes. Healthy, full, tasty looking grapes that you would like to eat? I highly doubt it. And the reality is that I haven't seen that either.
In John 15 Jesus shares with his disciples that He is the True vine, and that any branch that is attached to Him as the True vine will produce much healthy long-lasting fruit. However Jesus also mentions that any branches that have been separated from the vine will produce nothing.We are called to be branches that "remain in" or "abide" in the vine. We are to be cared for by the loving and wise gardener who prunes the branches so that we will produce healthy fruit.In this week's teaching, Pastor Anton shares about the two greatest hindrances that stand in our way of abiding in Jesus as the True Vine; Comparison and Condemnation. We would like to encourage you to download the teaching notes and follow along with the sermon recording. We hope that you will be encouraged to receive the gift of grace offered by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. - Jul 17, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – “Three Things You Need to Know About Grace” John 20:1-18
Jul 17, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – “Three Things You Need to Know About Grace” John 20:1-18By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Too Good to be TRUE
- Jul 10, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – “Grace, more than a ticket to Heaven” John 5:1-11
Jul 10, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – “Grace, more than a ticket to Heaven” John 5:1-11By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Too Good to be TRUE
In this teaching, Pastor Anton teaches on John 5:1-11. It is the account of Jesus healing the man near the pools of Bethesda who had been ill for 38 years. In this account, we see a component of God's Great Grace as it applies to the here and now. So many have made grace entirely and exclusively about heaven, and while it is in fact only by the grace of God given through the sacrificial work of One and only begotten Son Jesus on the Cross of Calvary there is so much more to grace! God's Grace not only changes our final destiny, it also has the power to change our identity. Hebrews 4:16 (NLT) explains that ought to "... come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most." If grace is only given to get us out of hell and into heaven, why the invitation in Hebrews 4? We encourage you to download the teaching notes, and turn in your Bible to John 5 as you listen. We trust that you will be encouraged in your journey with Christ Jesus.
- Jul 4, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – “He Carried Me” – Genesis 6-10 selected passages
Jul 4, 2016Too Good to be TRUE – “He Carried Me” – Genesis 6-10 selected passagesBy: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Too Good to be TRUEHave you ever fallen asleep somewhere, and then woken up in another? Some of us can recall this experience when we were children. Falling asleep on the living room couch, or in the family car, only to wake up the next morning in our own bed. How did this happen? Well, most likely a loving parent or family member carried you into your own room while you were asleep. In this first message in the teaching series “Too Good to be TRUE,” Pastor Anton teaches on the passage ofHebrews 4:16 (NLT) “So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”The true message of Grace seems to be “too good to be true,” and yet the message of the Grace of God is TRUE. We encourage you to download the teaching notes, and follow along as Pastor Anton teaches about God’s amazing Grace.
- Jun 26, 2016I am second – Reed Robertson – Luke 15:11-32
Jun 26, 2016I am second – Reed Robertson – Luke 15:11-32By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: I am second
Have you ever been deeply bothered when someone got off easy? When someone did something wrong, and they got off without a punishment, or a lighter punishment than what we thought would be appropriate considering the offense. That sort of thing bothers most people to their very core. In the parable that Jesus taught to the Pharisees and the teachers of the religious law found in Luke 15, we see that sort of situation unfold for the older brother in the story. We encourage you to turn in your Bible to Luke 15, download the teaching notes, and follow along as Pastor Anton teaches about how we ought to react when sinners repent and turn to God. We trust that you will be encouraged. There is also the Reed Robertson iamsecond.com testimony video link provided for you. The video was used and referred to during Pastor Anton's message.
- Jun 19, 2016I am second – Jep Robertson’s Story – Luke 15:11-31
Jun 19, 2016I am second – Jep Robertson’s Story – Luke 15:11-31By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: I am second
How would you react to a son or daughter asking for their inheritance early? In the 1st century biblical times that would have been similar to asking your father to die, and give you what they "owed" you now. In Luke 15 Jesus teaches three parables all focused on the theme of the heavenly Father's love and joy for lost sinners repenting. In the third parable, Luke 15:11-31, the second son in the story does exactly that. He asked for his Father to give him his share of the inheritance now rather than waiting until he passed away. The Father in the parable agrees to this request, and the second son takes the money and squanders it on foolish living. When the money is gone, he finally comes to his senses, and returns to his father with a repentant heart and attitude. The Father's response to him is far better than what he could have ever dreamt or expected. We encourage you to download the teaching notes, and watch the iamsecond.com video of Jep Robertson prior to listening to this message by Pastor Anton. We trust that you will be encouraged!
- Jun 12, 2016I am second – Phil Robertson’s Story – Col. 1:13-23
Jun 12, 2016I am second – Phil Robertson’s Story – Col. 1:13-23By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: I am second
What comes to mind when you think of the phrase "I am second"? Does it create a sense of interest? Maybe a sense of frustration or confusion? If "I am second" then who is first? That is an excellent question that each of us must ask and answer.
In the following teaching by Pastor Anton, he addresses the question of who is first through the study of Colossians 1:13-23. We would like to encourage you to download the teaching notes, and follow along in your Bible as he teaches. There is also a link to watch the entire iamsecond video. When this teaching was shared live with the FOCUS Wesleyan Church congregation the video had been edited from the original for the sake of that Sunday morning experience. Phil Robertson, his son Jep, and grandson Reed testimonies can all be seen at iamsecond.com. We would like to encourage you to visit their website and learn more about what it means to live second. - May 29, 2016The Story of Joseph and the Gospel of many Colors – Finishing Strong – Gen. 50:14-25
May 29, 2016The Story of Joseph and the Gospel of many Colors – Finishing Strong – Gen. 50:14-25By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: The Story of Joseph
What are you planning to do with the second half of your life? In the study of Joseph, we have learned much about the early years of Joseph's life. From age 17 till the time of his father Jacob's death at roughly the age of 57 we know many details of his life. But what about the second half of Joseph's life? The scriptures teach us that Joseph lived to be 110 years of age, why the silence from the scriptures regarding those later years? And an even a better question, what can we learn from that second half of his life? We encourage you to download the teaching notes, and turn in your Bible to Genesis 50 as Pastor Anton teaches from the Word regarding finishing strong. We trust that you will be encouraged.
- May 22, 2016The Story of Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors – Genesis 43:1-25
May 22, 2016The Story of Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors – Genesis 43:1-25By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: The Story of Joseph
What happens in your home when there is a dispute that has resulted in a tie? Who has the final say when there is an impasse when making a difficult decision? In the story of Joseph and his family as found in Genesis 43, we see such an event unfold before our very eyes. Jacob, his wives, sons, and their families are all running out of food during the severe famine that is ravaging the known world at the time. They have gone to Egypt once prior to buy grain, but that provision is running out. The sons of Jacob, brothers of Joseph (although they still are unaware of his identity), must make the return 250-300 mile journey to Egypt and back to Canaan with more food... but they know they must face the second-in-command (Joseph) again when they return. The previous time he had accused them of being spies, and to confirm their identity they must return with their youngest brother Benjamin. Jacob is beside himself with worry and grief or the thought of possibly loosing another son, or all of his sons altogether! He is faced with a very difficult decision. What would you do? How would you decide? Would you place your trust in God to provide in the midst of a very difficult decision such as what Jacob was faced with?
We encourage you to download the teaching notes and follow along in your Bible as Pastor Anton teaches on Genesis 43. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged. - May 15, 2016The Story of Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors – Genesis 42:1-38
May 15, 2016The Story of Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors – Genesis 42:1-38By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: The Story of JosephIf you were only able to go to the grocery store one time within an entire year's span of time, what items would you make certain you picked up on that shopping trip? Is there a food item or household product that you simply could not manage without? Consider with me the reality that many of us have the blessed privilege of driving by a grocery story once or multiple times each and every day. As we consider the Story of Joseph, studying Genesis 42, we discover that the seven years of sever drought are in full effect. People all over the known world at the time are flocking to Egypt to buy grain to avoid starving to death. Joseph's ten older brothers are sent by their father Jacob to go and buy grain from Egypt some 250-300 miles from their homes in Canaan. And as they arrive in the presence of second in command Joseph, and they bow low out of honor and respect not knowing that he is in fact their brother! We encourage you to download the teaching notes and follow along as we study this passage together.