Dec 25, 2016
Christmas Sunday – December 25, 2016 – Matthew 2:1-12
By: Rev Anton Folz
Series: We Believe

We would like to invite you to open your own Bible to Matthew 2:1-12, and download the teaching notes as you listen to this Christmas morning sermon by Pastor Anton Folz. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years from the FOCUS family to Yours!
- Dec 25, 2016Christmas Sunday – December 25, 2016 – Matthew 2:1-12
Dec 25, 2016Christmas Sunday – December 25, 2016 – Matthew 2:1-12By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: We Believe
What are your first memories of seeing a Nativity? Maybe it was one at the local church where you and your family attended. Maybe it was one in your own home, or at the house of a friend growing up... regardless of when you first saw a nativity, when you look at it now with a careful eye, there should be at least three (or more) characters that don't seem to fit the profile of Mary, Joseph, and the local Shepherds... I am talking about the Magi or the wise men as we have come to known them by. They are mysterious men from the East who came to locate, worship, and honor with gifts the new-born King of the Jews. The gifts they brought are meaningful and valuable, not your common white-elephant gift or regifting of something that was less than desirable.
We would like to invite you to open your own Bible to Matthew 2:1-12, and download the teaching notes as you listen to this Christmas morning sermon by Pastor Anton Folz. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged!Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years from the FOCUS family to Yours! - Dec 18, 2016We Believe – Week 4, LOVE – Matthew 2:1-23
Dec 18, 2016We Believe – Week 4, LOVE – Matthew 2:1-23By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: We BelieveHave you ever felt threatened or intimidated by someone younger than you? In Matthew's Gospel account, we gain a perspective of the Great King Herod and his strong feelings of the possibility of a new King of the Jews being born. How ridiculous that a Great King in all of his power and splendor would be so threatened by a baby. Yet when the news from Eastern foreigners came to Herod seeking to locate and worship this child, Herod was "all shook up" over the news.In great contrast to Herod's feelings towards the recently born king of the Jews, we witness from Matthew's account that the Magi travel a tremendous distance, sacrificing great personal expense, just to see and worship the king. When they find Jesus, their reaction can be simplified in the following order; A) They entered B) They bowed C) They gave D)They worshiped E) They responded with obedience. What is your response to meeting Jesus Christ? We would love nothing more than for you to know Jesus as your personal Savior this Christmas. Please take a moment to download the teaching notes, and listen to this sermon by Pastor Anton. We hope and trust that the Lord will meet with you, and our prayer is that you will be open and obedient to His calling on your life.Merry Christmas from the FOCUS Church family to you and yours!
- Dec 11, 2016We Believe – Advent, Week 3 – Joy – Matthew 1:18-25
Dec 11, 2016We Believe – Advent, Week 3 – Joy – Matthew 1:18-25By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: We Believe
What things bring you joy during the season of Christmas? Friends, family, gift-giving, time off from work, and food often rank among the top of the list for many people. Yet even with all of these reasons to have joy, sadness and depression are at an all time high during the holidays. We would like to encourage you to turn in your Bible to Matthew 1:18-25, download the teaching notes, and listen to the sermon audio as Pastor Anton teaches on this passage of scripture. There are eternally-solid reasons for us to be filled with the Joy of the Lord this time of year. We hope that this message will help you to take your next spiritual step.
- Dec 4, 2016We Believe – Advent, Week 2 – PEACE – Luke 2:8-20
Dec 4, 2016We Believe – Advent, Week 2 – PEACE – Luke 2:8-20By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: We Believe
If you were to list one word to describe your current state of being, your emotional state... what would that one word be? For some, it might be the word "busy". The Holidays always cause for us to have extra responsibilities, travel, expenses, etc. So for you, your word might be busy. For others of us our word might be "confused". Maybe the past week, month or even year has left you in a state or place of confusion. How many of us would actually use the word "peace" to describe our current state???
Much in the same way that inner peace might be something that many of us struggle with, it is highly possible it was also something that the 1st Century shepherds who were caring for their flocks of sheep may have felt when the Angel of the Lord came to them with great news of Jesus the Messiah's birth. - Nov 27, 2016We Believe – Advent, Week 1 – Hope – Luke 1:1-25
Nov 27, 2016We Believe – Advent, Week 1 – Hope – Luke 1:1-25By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: We Believe
Life doesn't often turn out the way we expect or plan, does it? Sometimes there are unexpected surprises that full us with joy and excitement... and there are other times when we are met with unplanned sorrow and grief. In the New Testament Gospel of Luke, there is a Godly couple named Zechariah and Elizabeth. The author Luke explains that they were "righteous in the eyes of God, and that they were careful to obey all the commandments and regulations." However even though they were great Godly people, they still had one major heartache... they didn't have any children. And what is worse is that they were advanced in age. From a human viewpoint, it seemed as though their window of opportunity for being able to have a child of their own had all but closed. This cause much sadness and grief for the couple, and especially for Elizabeth. It is possible that you are reading this, and you have never had to deal with such heartache as childlessness, but all of us as humans have had our hopes and dreams crushed with unmet expectations. We would like to encourage you to turn in your Bible to Luke 1, download the teaching notes, and listen as Pastor Anton teaches on hope in the midst of sadness and unmet expectations. We trust that you will be blessed and encouraged.
- Nov 13, 2016Esther, the Story of – Part 4 – Esther 5:1-9:4
Nov 13, 2016Esther, the Story of – Part 4 – Esther 5:1-9:4By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Esther - For such a time as this
Nov 13, 2016 was designated as "Orphan Sunday 2016." What better biblical story about a biblical orphan than the story of Esther. She was a Jewish girl, who lost both of her parents while they were living as foreigners in Persia. Thankfully her older cousin Mordecai adopts her as his own daughter, and they remained living in Susa, Persia, the capital city of that great pagan empire. Yet there is so much more to this story! God had Mordecai and Esther right where He wanted them to accomplish His protective plan for the Jews whose lives were being threatened by wicked Haman who was the prime minister or Persia. We would like to encourage you to download the teaching notes, open your Bible to Esther 5, and listen as Pastor Anton teaches this 4th and final message in the series "Esther, the Story of." We hope and trust that you will be encouraged.
- Nov 6, 2016Esther, the Story of – Esther 3:8-4:17 “For Such a Time as This”
Nov 6, 2016Esther, the Story of – Esther 3:8-4:17 “For Such a Time as This”By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Esther - For such a time as this
Have you ever considered "why" you were born in the era that you were? Have you ever considered the parents that you were born too, and the part of the world in which you grew up in? While we did not have an opportunity to choose any of these, we have the privilege and responsibility of answering it. And the only place to get the real TRUE answer to these questions is the Word of God, the Bible. We would like to encourage you to open your Bible to Esther 3, and download the teaching notes to follow along as Pastor Anton teaches on the Story of Esther. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged and challenged.
- Oct 30, 2016Esther, The Story of – Esther 2:1-3:7
Oct 30, 2016Esther, The Story of – Esther 2:1-3:7By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Esther - For such a time as this
Our World View has a great deal of influence on how we view God's activity in the world and in our lives. For some, their belief is that there is no god, and thus what we are able to experience, measure, etc., is reality, and there is nothing outside of it. This first view is commonly known as naturalism/materialism. There are also many who believe that god is in everything, this is classically known as Pantheism. There are also those who hold the view of a Deism. This is the view that God or a god created the world and the universe, and then set things into motion. This is commonly exemplified in the illustration of the "great clock maker," where the clock maker builds the clock, winds it up, sets it in motion, and watches it spin-out. Finally, there is the view of Theism. Although there are many off-shoots that come from the Theistic worldview, this is the view that believes that God not only created the world, upholds it keeping things working and functioning, but that He also enters into our realm at times.
Our prayer is that as you open up your Bible to the book of Esther, download the teaching notes, and listen to Pastor Anton's message, that you will have an open mind and heart to see God's activity in this story. We believe that God is at work and on the move in our lives, and we hope that you will be encouraged by this message. - Oct 23, 2016Esther, The Story of – Esther 1:1-22
Oct 23, 2016Esther, The Story of – Esther 1:1-22By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Esther - For such a time as this
Do you like a good fairy-tale story? Many in our culture do. The Book of Esther, written roughly in 470 B.C. and most like by Mordecai, contains all the setup to a great fairy-tale story. A wealthy king, a beautiful queen, a breathtaking palace, royal parties, an orphan girl, a beauty competition, and the young girl winning and becoming the new queen of Persia! At least is some of the basic highlights until you arrive at Esther 2:20. However the problem is this, the book of Esther is a real life story, and in real life, things rarely end "happily ever after." It is very important to note that a unique characteristic of the book is that the name of the Lord God is never mentioned, nor is He ever prayed to. Prayer is suggested, but never mentioned explicitly. Yet even with the absence of the mention of God, His handiwork and divine providence of the Lord is seen throughout. We would like to encourage you to download the teaching notes, and turn in your own Bible as pastor Anton teaches on the Story of Esther, chapter 1. We trust that you will be encouraged.
- Oct 16, 2016Counter Culture – The Call to be Set Apart – Romans 12:1-8
Oct 16, 2016Counter Culture – The Call to be Set Apart – Romans 12:1-8By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Counter CultureHave you ever thought about your purpose in life? Why you are here, and what you should/will accomplish with the time that you have?In the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul's letter to the Christians in Rome, there is a dramatic shift at the beginning of chapter 12 from the previous 11 chapters. Paul had been teaching the Christians what they "ought to know" when it comes to the Gospel and the Word of God. However in chapter 12, the shift is made, and he begins teaching the believers how they ought to live. Not in the sense of legalism, but in light of God's grace and mercy, how Christians ought to live lives of service for The King of the universe. We would like to encourage you to download the teaching notes, and open your Bible to Romans 12, as you listen to this week's message by Pastor Anton. We trust that you will be encouraged.