May 12, 2019
Defending the Faith – May 12, 2019 – Mother’s Day – Jude 1:1-4
By: Rev Anton Folz
Series: Defending the Faith

In the following message given by Pastor Anton on Mother's Day, May 12, 2019, he explains how this faith must be contended for by all believers in the Lord Jesus. He further examples that we must be watchful for those within the church who are ungodly. Specifically, those who might try and teach and mislead people from following Jesus and living lives of obedience to Jesus and His Word. We invite you to turn in your own Bible to the letter of Jude and to download the teaching notes as you listen to the following message.
- May 12, 2019Defending the Faith – May 12, 2019 – Mother’s Day – Jude 1:1-4
May 12, 2019Defending the Faith – May 12, 2019 – Mother’s Day – Jude 1:1-4By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Defending the Faith
In the letter of Jude, we learn through the Holy Spirit that the Church (Body of Christ) is called to defend and contend for the faith. We are given a great assurance as believers, "We believe in the one true God who calls, loves, and keeps us." This great faith of which we have been given must be defended by the Church.
In the following message given by Pastor Anton on Mother's Day, May 12, 2019, he explains how this faith must be contended for by all believers in the Lord Jesus. He further examples that we must be watchful for those within the church who are ungodly. Specifically, those who might try and teach and mislead people from following Jesus and living lives of obedience to Jesus and His Word. We invite you to turn in your own Bible to the letter of Jude and to download the teaching notes as you listen to the following message. - May 5, 2019Defending the Faith – May 5, 2019 – The Word of God – 2 Timothy 3:14-17
May 5, 2019Defending the Faith – May 5, 2019 – The Word of God – 2 Timothy 3:14-17By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Defending the Faith
Have you ever taken the time to consider the claims of the Bible? It's authenticity and purpose? According to 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV) which says that "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness," But what does that mean?
In the following message by Pastor Anton, he encourages us to take a thoughtful look at what the Bible claims about itself, the historical evidence which correlates with the historical events recorded in the Bible, as well as the authenticity of its preservation throughout the millennia. We would like to invite you to download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following message. - Apr 28, 2019Defending the Faith – April 28, 2019 – The Empty Tomb – John 20:1-23
Apr 28, 2019Defending the Faith – April 28, 2019 – The Empty Tomb – John 20:1-23By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: Defending the Faith
Have you ever considered the empty tomb? The claims found in the Bible that Jesus died and rose again on the third day just as He said He would?
The Gospel writers all testify to the fact that Jesus truly died on a cross, was placed inside of a tomb, and that on the third day He rose again. So what do you do with such a claim? Have you ever considered the origin of the Disciples belief? This was a defeated and frightened group of men and women, hiding together behind locked doors... yet just fifty days after Jesus rose from the grave, these men were out in the streets of Jerusalem proclaiming that Jesus was alive. So why the change of heart and attitude? In the following message by Pastor Anton he encourages us to do the rigorous investigation of the evidence and come to a conclusion based on the findings. We invite you to turn in your Bible to John 2o and download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following message. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged. - Apr 21, 2019Easter Sunday – April 21, 2019
Apr 21, 2019Easter Sunday – April 21, 2019By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: (All)
Imagine if the pastor at your church stood before the entire congregation this coming Sunday and said he/she was going to start providing preaching ministry to the folks you are buried at the local cemetery in your community... "Have you lost your mind???" might be an appropriate response to their announcement.
Interestingly enough, apart from Christ Jesus, the Bible describes all men and women as "dead." (Ephesians 2) Yet God, through the finished work of Jesus on the Cross has made it possible for you and I to be made alive again! We would like to invite you to turn in your Bible to Colossians 2:12-15, and download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following Resurrection Sunday Morning message by Pastor Anton Folz. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged in your Spiritual Journey with the Lord Jesus. - Apr 14, 2019Relentless Grace – Lent 2019 – Palm Sunday – Matthew 21:1-17
Apr 14, 2019Relentless Grace – Lent 2019 – Palm Sunday – Matthew 21:1-17By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: LENT 2019
As we celebrate Palm Sunday in 2019, we ought to pause and reflect back on the first Palm Sunday when Jesus made his triumphant entry into Jerusalem at the beginning of what is known as Holy Week. Some scholars believe that there may have been somewhere between 2 and 3 million people in the immediate area during the celebration of the Passover Festival in the time of Jesus. It is difficult to wrap our minds around what it must have been like as Jesus came into town riding on the donkey. Some may have been expecting more and greater miracles. Others a leader and Messiah who would uphold the Law of the Lord. Some probably hoped and expected a military leader of the Messiah. And some expected Jesus' fame to become even more well known during this time.
In the following message by Pastor Anton, he will be teaching on the varied expectations of the groups gathered there in the city. We would like to invite you to turn in your own Bible to Matthew 21 and to download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following message. We hope that you will be encouraged in your walk with the Lord. - Apr 7, 2019Relentless Grace – Lent 2019 – Luke 13:10-17
Apr 7, 2019Relentless Grace – Lent 2019 – Luke 13:10-17By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: LENT 2019
Have you ever felt the awkwardness of having someone wave at you, and you waved back, only to come to the realization that they were looking at someone beyond or behind you? At that moment, as silly and as awkward as it may have been, is it possible that it might have made you feel "invisible" for a split second? In Luke chapter 13, the author Luke records an event where Jesus was preaching in a synagogue one Sabbath day and noticed a woman who may have been "invisible" to the people around her. Jesus not only saw her but called her forward and touched and healed her. Jesus then takes it a step further and calls her a "daughter of Abraham" a phrase that is used exclusively in this passage.
We would like to invite you to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton as he unpacks the truth and power behind this beautiful encounter. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged in your spiritual walk. - Mar 31, 2019Relentless Grace – Lent 2019 – Mark 10:17-31
Mar 31, 2019Relentless Grace – Lent 2019 – Mark 10:17-31By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: LENT 2019
If you were asked to give up something tangible that was most precious and dear to heart, what would that be? Maybe a vehicle? a house? or maybe a boat? What material things do you possess that would be difficult to let go of?
In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke there is recorded for us an event in which a younger man came to Jesus asking what was required to inherit eternal life. Jesus looks upon him with genuine love and tells him to sell everything he owns, give the money to the poor, and then come and follow him... at this, the man walks away sad. In the following message by Pastor Anton he will be unpacking the deep truth behind this historical event as recorded by Mark. As you turn in your own Bible to Mark 10, we invite you to download the teaching notes and follow along as you listen. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged. - Mar 24, 2019Relentless Grace – Lent 2019 – Luke 7:1-17
Mar 24, 2019Relentless Grace – Lent 2019 – Luke 7:1-17By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: LENT 2019
Do you know the hope and wholeness found in having believed in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? If so, do you have a burning desire to share the hope and wholeness of Jesus Christ with those around you... to your co- workers, friends, and family members?
In the following message by Pastor Anton he will be teaching on the historical event recorded in Luke 7. It is the story of Jesus raising a widow's one who had died back to life. We would like to encourage you to download the teaching notes and turn in your own Bible to Luke 7. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged in your walk with the Lord. - Mar 17, 2019Relentless Grace – Lent 2019 – John 5:1-18
Mar 17, 2019Relentless Grace – Lent 2019 – John 5:1-18By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: LENT 2019
Have you ever wanted to the first one into the water? Maybe you were on vacation at a beautiful sandy beach, or maybe you were excited to jump into an inviting backyard pool during a sweltering Summer day... Regardless of your own situation, I doubt that you wanted to get into the water as badly as the man that Jesus approached in John 5. The Bible says that the man had been ill with something that had caused him paralysis for thirty-eight years! And he had been laying near to the edge of a pool found in the 1st century Jerusalem because when the waters were stirred, they were supposed to have healing powers... the problem was, you had to be the first one into the waters and he had no one to help him get into the water before others who were gathered for the same reason. We would like to invite you to turn in your own Bible to John 5, and download the teaching notes as you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton. We hope and trust you will be encouraged.
- Mar 11, 2019Relentless Grace – Lent 2019 – Mark 2:1-12
Mar 11, 2019Relentless Grace – Lent 2019 – Mark 2:1-12By: Rev Anton FolzSeries: LENT 2019
Consider the story of Jesus healing the man who was paralyzed from the Gospels. In the Gospel of Mark, which has the most lengthy account of the event's parallel accounts, (Matthew 9:1-8, and Luke 5:17-26) we read of a large crowd of people gathering at a home to hear Jesus teach. Five men arrive after the house is already filled and overflowing, one of them being carried by the others on a mat. Once lowered through the roof, Jesus tells the man that his "sins are forgiven." This is an outrageous statement to the teachers of the Law, and to prove that the "Son of Man" has the authority to forgive sins, Jesus then heals the man. The man who was lowered through the roof moments earlier is now walking through the crowded house to exit. We would like to invite you to turn in your own Bible to Mark 2, as you prepare to listen to the following message by Pastor Anton.