Promise Kids a Future is a non-profit licensed adoption agency located in Georgetown, Kentucky. With a staff of over 35 years of work related experience, we are dedicated to helping families adopt children from around the world. Promise Kids A Future has a twofold purpose of providing support to orphans as well as helping families through the adoption process.
We know that adopting a child is one of the most precious gifts that God has given. If adoption is tugging at your heart, we are here to help. An adoption can be an extensive process and somewhat intimidating. Our services are designed to help you move through the adoption process smoothly.
We hope you have found your home here at Promise Kids A Future. Please let us know how we can help you. God’s blessings to you as you start your journey of a Lifetime.
Executive Director

Promise Kids a Future Mission
Promise Kids A Future, Inc. is devoted to helping families through their adoption process as well as placing orphans in need in Christian families, where they can be nurtured and guided in their journey of life.