We are so excited to have you visit FOCUS, and we can’t wait to meet you. We hope that the below information will help you plan your visit and feel comfortable as our guest.
Welcome from Pastor Anton:
“Hey there! FOCUS is an awesome body of believers at all different stages in their walk with Jesus. Some of us are just learning who Jesus is, others have been walking with Him for years and years. At FOCUS we want you to know that this is a place where you will be loved, served, and encouraged. It is a place where it is okay to not be okay, and you can come as you are. Come join us for worship this Sunday!”
Parking at FOCUS
When you pull up to our building you will notice that we do not have a parking lot next to our entrance. The parking lot we use is located just across the street. Please be careful crossing, our greeters will meet you at the door to welcome you into the building.
Worship At FOCUS
Our goal is to become a multi-generational and multi-ethnic congregation. We embrace both traditional and contemporary worship styles in our services, and we encourage different genres of Christian music. As we grow, we hope to include worship elements from your cultural heritage to celebrate who God has created you to be, enriching our corporate worship experience.
We believe that worship is for GOD, not for us. As we look at worship from a biblical perspective, we can see that we were created to glorify our amazing God, and at FOCUS that is exactly what we aim to do in our services. This is why we currently have our worship band in the back of our sanctuary. We believe that this orientation helps us focus on giving God glory while we sing.
Affirmation of Faith
At FOCUS we like to corporately affirm our beliefs by reading out loud a statement of beliefs in our services. This is a liturgical element that is a tradition of our church. If you do not feel comfortable reading our faith statement out loud please feel welcome to sit or stand with us and read along silently. You can find out more about what we believe “here.”

Did you know that God talks more about money in the bible than He does about heaven and hell combined? At FOCUS if you are a regular attendee or team member, it is very important that you support the work of the gospel that takes place in and through your church by bringing your tithes and offerings. The tithe is 10% of your income, and it can be given weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, or at a time decided by you and your family. All of what you have belongs to God, and He only asks for 10% back to His Church as an act of worship and obedience to support the work He does in and through the church. Anything you give in addition to the 10% tithe is called an offering or a gift to God’s work in and through the church.
At FOCUS we welcome you to give your tithes and offerings during our corporate communion and prayer time. After you receive communion there are stations around our sanctuary where you can pray and reflect on God’s work in your life. There is a basket for your tithes and offerings on the communion table. Please also feel welcome to give online here, or before or after the services if you feel more comfortable.

At FOCUS we practice the sacrament of communion every week in our services. We practice open communion, which means that anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and has accepted Him into their heart as the leader of their life can participate in communion. If you do not feel spiritually able to participate in communion we invite you to pray at a prayer station or remain seated and observe. We want you to feel comfortable, and if communion isn’t your “thing” yet, that’s okay. Remember, at FOCUS it is okay to not be okay, and no one will judge you if you do not participate.
We practice communion with a procedure called intinction , which basically means the pastor holds the bread and a cup of grape juice and invites you to rip a piece of the bread from the loaf and dip it in the juice. He will say “Christ’s body broken for you and His blood shed for you,” then you can consume the elements and return to your seat, give your tithe and offering, or pray at a prayer station. There is hand sanitizer provided in the back of the sanctuary for you to use as you get in line to partake of communion.
What to Wear
At FOCUS we want you to feel comfortable, so we encourage you to wear whatever you like to wear. Some people prefer a suit and tie, others prefer a collared shirt and jeans, some like to wear sandals, others wear heals… whatever you feel like wearing to church is welcome. Our pastor sometimes wears a tie, sometimes he doesn’t, and sometimes he wears full camouflage to get the congregation pumped up about a sermon series! So if you feel like wearing your Sunday best for Jesus, you are welcome here, and if you feel like wearing your most comfortable sweatshirt, you are welcome here too. Jesus loves us right where we are at, and we don’t think that having or not having fancy clothing should hinder your opportunity to meet with Him at church.
YES we have coffee
Bring your favorite mug or just use one of our cups!
Enjoy coffee before and after service.
It is free and we welcome you to enjoy a cup.