Mired deep in third world problems, Ugandans are hopeful and determined for a better future. Development has been slow but progress has been made in many sectors, however, those living in rural villages face many uphill battles for a better quality of life. One of Africa’s greatest challenges has been the early death of so many from preventable conditions. Millions of children are left as orphans and vulnerable to a parentless life, taken in by relatives or left to fend for themselves. Food sources have been a critical issue with unpredictable rains, regular droughts, food prices soaring, and gardens drying up. Primary education, though open to all is not available to many due to school fees, uniform costs and no transportation. The cost of secondary education makes it prohibitive without assistance. Pastors and the local church are often the only source of assistance.
FOCUS on Uganda is partnering with the Wesleyan Church of Uganda to help ease the effect of these conditions and plan for a sustainable future. The four main areas needed are: education for those most vulnerable, worship centers for remote villages, Biblical training to equip pastors and develop leaders, and agriculture, including renewable energy.